Lady fish (Bhambore)


Ladyfish, also known as silver sillago is probably the crispiest frying fish with chewable bones and white flaky meat. If you ever experienced the scrumptiousness of small fish, you will probably love to have it on your plate.

The size you get: Approx 50 to 150 grams per fish.

Note: All our prices and billings are based on the pre-cleaning/cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight at the time of delivery will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.

SKU: N/A Category: Salt Water Fresh Fish


Ladyfish – Bhambore, also known as silver sillago is probably the crispiest frying fish with chewable bones and white flaky meat. If you ever experienced the scrumptiousness of small fish, you will probably love to have it on your plate.

Ladyfish – Bhambore has good flavor and can be an excellent eating fish if grown to an 8 to 10-inch size.

Flavor Profile

This fish has a good sweet flavor and can be an excellent eating fish if grown to an 8 to 10-inch size.


  • English Name: Lady Fish, Silver Sillago
  • Local Name: Shoor, Bhambore, Lady Fish
  • Scientific Name: Sillago sihama


Lady Fish (Bhambore) is a sea fish that is common along beaches, sandbars, mangrove creeks, and estuaries, recorded from freshwater. Maximum depth 60 m.

Catching Method

Lady Fish is caught using bottom trawls and gillnets.

Physical Attributes

Lady Fish has Scales on the body. The body is elongated and the head length 24–30%. The anal fin has 2 spines and 21–23 soft rays. The swimbladder is with two posterior extensions.


Ladyfish has a light brown back. The lower ventral flanks and belly is whitish-silvery, without dark blotches.


On average, Lady Fish (Bhambore) size range is 50 to 150 grams per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.

Cutting Preferences

Lady Fish (Bhambore) is preferred for whole & gutted. Ladyfish being a relatively small fish is inappropriate for the slice and boneless cutting.

Approx. Cutting Yields

  • Whole: 100%
  • Gutted: 80%
  • Headless and Gutted: 70%
  • Slices: 60%
  • Boneless: 40%

Cooking Preferences

Lady Fish (Bhambore) is preferred to shallow fry with a lot of care.

Health Benefits

  • Heart friendly
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improves Immune System
  • Strengthens the bones
  • Improves Skin and Hair health


Additional information


.Whole (Uncleaned), Whole (Gutted), Whole but head remove

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