Terapon (Ginghra)


Terapon or also known as Crescent Grunter is known as Ginghra locally. This low prized fish is abundant in Arabian sea and is often used in replacement of Mushka and Dandia.

The size you get: Approx 100 to 300 grams per fish.

Note: All our prices and billings are based on the pre-cleaning/cutting weight of the seafood. The net weight at the time of delivery will be dependent on the type of cleaning you choose.

SKU: N/A Category: Salt Water Fresh Fish


Terapon – Ghinghra or also known as Crescent Grunter is known as Ginghra locally. This low prized fish is abundant in Arabian sea and is often used in replacement of Mushka and Dandia.

The terapon – Ghinghra is usually preferred by fish frying vendors because of its low price and long shelf life. This species is omnivorous, feeding on fishes, algae, and benthic invertebrates, but is also known to bite scales from other fish.

Flavor Profile

Although terapon has plenty of protein and amino acids, it is not very rich in flavor and aroma and hence is considered a low-value fish.


English Name: Terapon, Terapon Jarbua
Local Name: Baam
Scientific Name: Terapon theraps


Terapon is a Sea fish that lives in inshore waters, sometimes entering brackish waters.

Catching Method

Terapon (Ginghra) is caught using Gillnets & Bottom Trawls.

Physical Attributes

Terapon (Ginghra) has scales on the body. It’s a medium-sized grunter with an oblong body that is moderately laterally compressed. The oblique mouth is oblique with the jaws being of equal length and the maxilla reached the level of the front edge of the eye in juveniles and the center of the eye in adults.


Terapon (Ginghra) has fawn color on top, cream-colored below, with a dark nape, and three or four curved dark brown bands run from the nape to the hind part of the body


On average, the Terapon (Ginghra) size range is 100 to 300 gram per fish. However, other sizes are also occasionally available.

Cutting Preferences

Terapon (Ginghra) is preferred for whole & gutted cutting.

Approx. Cutting Yields

Whole: 100%

Gutted: 80%

Headless and Gutted: 70%

Slices: 77%

Boneless: 33%

Cooking Preferences

Since Terapon (Ginghra) has not much of its own flavor, it is preferred for deep frying with strong flavors and herbs.

Health Benefits

Heart friendly
Lowers Blood Pressure
Improves Immune System
Strengthens the bones
Improves Skin and Hair health

Additional information


.Whole (Uncleaned), Whole (Gutted), Slices with skin and Bone, Whole but head remove

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